How to teach your horse something fast
Everyone eventually needs to teach their horse something, or try to get him to unlearn something. Teaching your horse something easy might take just a few minutes, some more complicated exercises might take a few months. Keeping a few simple things in mind can help you make everything a whole lot faster. In a lot…

Do this 1 thing and your horse will react on much lower pressure
Do you have to use too much pressure to get your horse to trot or to canter? Does your horse react too slow when you ask? If that is the case and you want to improve the way your horse reacts If that is the case and you want to improve the way your horse reacts to…

How your horse perceives rewards and motivation (and how to to use it)
What really is a reward in your horses’ eyes and how should you use it? (also what is actually not a reward) Do you believe that it is possible to motivate your horse? Or do you think that motivation is beyond his understanding? Do you reward your horse while working with him, from the ground…

3 Reasons why horses don’t listen
Have you ever had issues with your horse not listening to you? Did you manage to get him to listen to you in the end? It happened to me so many times I can’t even count. It was especially difficult to get my horse to listen when I was learning to ride. I didn’t always…

Scared to canter on the trail? Here is how to slow your horse down
If you are scared to canter on the trail because it is difficult to keep your horse in a nice calm canter, it usually has a few reasons. The first reason why your horse is difficult to slow down The first reason is that he doesn’t react well enough to the pressure from the bit…

Spooky horse training tips
Riding on a spooky horse that gets scared often or even gets scared in situations that he already knows well is not very pleasant. There are two main things influencing this kind of behavior the most. 1. The first one is your horses’ temper. Shy, spooky horse can genuinely get scared of anything. While confident, more…

Elastic or normal side reins?
Do you use side reins? Do you know why are you using the particular type side reins that you are using? There are many different types of side reins and I am not going to be talking about all their different types. I am going to talk about whether it is better to use elastic…

Foal training – When to start training a young horse?
Foal training is important because it shapes the way your horse is going to be in the future. If you have foal you have probably been wondering when should you start working with him. Should you just leave him alone with other horses in the pasture until he is 2 – 3 years old, or…

4 Things to avoid if you want your horse to improve
I believe that most of the riders want their horse to keep improving. Do you? Maybe you want to always get the correct canter lead, or you want your horse to react on lower pressure. Or maybe you just want your horse to stop reliably when hacking out. It is always good to improve and…

2 Hidden mistakes that will get your horse buddy sour
I am sure that you don’t want your horse to be buddy sour every time you separate him from his buddies. However, maybe you are accidentally doing one of two mistakes that will make it increasingly difficult to separate your horse from his buddies and to control him while riding. Of course, some horses are…