3 ways to tell you are doing something wrong around your horse
When you have a problem with your horse, or when you are just trying to teach your horse something new, you probably spend some time thinking about whether you are doing something wrong. I always think about things I might be doing wrong and I believe it can be very helpful. If it worked or…

Lunging your horse – Do you really need it?
When you go lunging you probably know why. But are you aware of all the things that you can learn while lunging? There are a lot of things at every stage of the training process. The very beginning of lunging The first thing I practice while free lunging my horse is to just go around…

How to talk to a horse
Horses might not understand you when you are talking, but in a lot of cases, they notice more things about you than a human would. I believe that a horse can tell almost everything about how you feel. He can tell when you get scared. Often he can use the moment when you get scared…

How to – Lunging Without a Round Pen
Round pen can make your life easier and the training process faster. However, you can still be lunging without a round pen. All you need is a lunging line or a long lead rope. While lunging in an open space your horse has more opportunities to avoid doing what you are asking, so it will…

Your horse doesn’t understand you? Here is why
Are you having issues with your horse just not understanding what you are asking? Maybe you have studied how exactly you need to move your leg and where to press and even though you do it as you should, your horse just doesn’t understand. Would you understand if you were the horse? Well, think about…

1 thing that will get your horse spoiled and dangerous
There are a lot of little issues that you will have to overcome and solve while working with your horse. Some horses are going to have more of them than others, but there are always going to be some issues for you to deal with. There is no way to make sure that there are…

How to start a horse – Exercises for the first month
Starting your horse and the begging of the whole training process is the most important part of your horses’ life. At least when it comes to the abilities and willingness to listen that he is going to have in the future. Starting your horse is about introducing him to the idea of carrying a saddle…

How to get your horse to listen to you after he gets scared
You cannot really expect your horse to never get scared, but you can give him more confidence so he gets scared less often, and you can also teach him to listen to you after he gets scared instead of panicking. The first step is to get your horse to respect your space. If your horse…

How to catch a horse in the pasture
It can take hours to catch a horse that doesn’t want to be caught. If you have been around horses for some time, at some point you probably encountered a horse that just didn’t want to leave the pasture and kept running away from you. I did as well of course. It was so frustrating! I…

How to teach a horse to back up without pulling your reins too hard
Backing up is one of the first things a horse needs to learn. Yet a lot of people underestimate it. There is a big difference in what you teach your horse when you back up from the saddle and when you back up from the ground. Backing up from the ground has a very different…