What horses do not forgive
Have you ever thought about whether there is something that your horse would just never forgive you? Maybe you are thinking “well that is easy, it is if I got mad and punished my horse too hard.” I don’t think that is the real answer. The answer is more complicated than you might think I…

How do horses get spoiled?
Hurray I am already learning how to get my horse collected You know what makes me roll my eyes? When I see a “horse riding coach” teaching complicated things like getting your horse collected to people who are just nowhere ready for it yet. I have nothing against learning how to get your horse collected,…

How to get your horse to focus on you
Do you feel like your horse gets scared easily? Is he distracted by other horses around or just doesn’t pay enough attention to you? Get more attention from him and he will become less likely to get scared and he will no longer be distracted when other horses are around (or when he is alone…

Should my horse turn around with his head or his rear end towards me?
Have you ever thought about whether your horse should turn with his head towards you or away from you while working with him in a round pen? What do you think is the correct way and why? If you picked a way that is correct you might be wrong and here is why. I believe…

3 Horse Riding Mistakes that are preventing you from improving
There are a lot of mistakes you can do while working with horses. However, there are 3 horse riding mistakes that are most common and most likely are preventing you from improving. If you fix these, you will be surprised by how much improvement you will feel. 1. You are not dedicated to make your…

My horse is buddy-sour, now what?
Sometimes it can be hard to take your horse away from his buddies. He just wants to be with them and starts acting up as soon as you start taking him away. For example, you might put the halter on him just fine, but as you try to walk away with him, he just stands…

How can I tell whether I am using the right amount of pressure?
A lot of people are concerned about using the correct amount of pressure. They are worried about not using enough pressure or whether using a whip or spurs is going to be too harsh. The amount of pressure that you should use in any given situation depends on the sensitivity of your horse and his…

2 things that will solve 90% of your problems
There are two things that can solve vast majority of all the problems you might have with your horse while working with him from the ground. Those two things are always the first things I teach every horse I train. These two things are explained in my video focused on this topic, but until you…

Why did that horse bite me?
Have you ever got bitten by a horse? If not, don’t worry it still might happen to you sometime. I got bitten by a horse once quite hard. It’s a really long time. I was 12 and it was my second year riding on horses, I still remember it very clearly. And I still remember…

Giving my horse a treat will make him like me more
Have you ever given your horse a treat? Maybe to reward him for doing something well? Most likely everyone did it at some point. I used to do it as well. But now I haven’t done it for 15 years already, let me explain why. Most people give their horses treats to reward them for something…