You can read tons of horse riding tips for beginners. There are three things however that are not so obvious, but super important if you want to avoid spoiling your horse. Do these right and your horse will enjoy being around you and keep improving.
The three main mistakes beginners do are:
Punishing your horse for absolutely everything a bit too much.
Horses can handle discomfort or pressure, if there is a way to get away from it. If you want something too difficult and your horse doesn't see any way to get rid of your pressure, you are going to have a problem.
Tolerating when your horse misbehaves all the time.
If you don’t set some clear rules, your horse is going to be confused and he will keep on trying whether he has to listen to you or not. Horses have a simple social hierarchy. They either respect some other horse, or they don’t.
Not being consistent.
If you are going to tolerate your horse misbehaving one day, and the next day you will want him to listen perfectly, he will start fighting with you for dominance, and he will try to set his own rules.
Horses are animals that live in herds, and they have a simple social hierarchy. They either respect some other horse, or they don’t. They are bellow, or they are above. There is nothing in the middle for horses.
If you don’t set some clear rules for your horse, and don’t gain his respect, so he knows whether he has to listen or he doesn’t have to listen. He is going to be confused and he will keep on trying whether he has to listen to you or not.
Horses can handle discomfort or pressure if there is a way to get away from it. However what they can’t handle very well is inconsistency. If you are going to be tolerating your horse misbehaving one day, and the other day you will want him to listen perfectly, that’s something that will create issues. Your horse will start fighting with you for dominance, and trying to set his own rules.

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Horse riding tips for beginners rule number 1
Don’t approach horses like humans, don’t try to have an equal relationship with a horse. Approaching your horse in a way “ok, I want you to listen now, and tomorrow you can do what you want” causes a lot of trouble.
You have to be the one who decides about what the horse is going to be doing. You also have to be the one responsible for making sure that what you want from your horse is something that he is capable of at the moment.
Your horse is not going to like if you are going to be “nice” to him. Your horse is going to like you and respect you when he knows that you will keep him safe.
Being fair and consistent is the best way to make your horse happy.
I hope you liked these horse riding tips for beginners, let me know what you think in the comments!