How to slow down a fast horse – 3 Rules
Do you know what is one of the most common questions I get? “How to slow down a fast horse? My horse is always going too fast!” Often I also learn that the horse used to be a race horse and that he was always like that. Why is my horse too fast? Horses can be…

My dear horse kicked me again… The 3 Warning signs
If you have been around horses for some time, then probably at some point a horse kicked you or bitten you. When it just hurts, you have been lucky. So what should you do to make sure you do not get horse kicked again? If your horse kicks you or bites you, you should punish him…

Horse riding tips – How to stop being nervous when others watch you ride
There are many different horse riding tips, but today I have something a bit unusual. Have you noticed how people tend to ride their horses differently when they are alone, and when they have someone watching them? There are two types of mistakes People all of a sudden start horse riding and especially correcting their…

Horse Problems – Don’t spoil your horse by doing this simple mistake
This mistake most likely causes a large portion of your horse problems! I have noticed that a lot of people don’t pay much attention to what their horse is doing when they are cleaning him, walking with him on a lead rope or just taking any sort of everyday care of their horse. Most of…

Love horses too much? Your horse might hate you for it!
Can you love horses too much? Its some time since this happened but its still in my mind. There is a nice stable near my house. Basically, everyone who has a horse over there has a horse just because of the love of horses. I know that the horse owners who have horses over there are…

How to stop a horse from moving while mounting
How to stop a horse from moving while mounting? I can often see how someone brings their horse to the middle of the ring, stops and tries mount in the saddle. But just as they put their first feet into the stirrup their horse starts walking. If they don’t fall and they manage to climb on…

Can you tell your horse’s feelings?
Can you tell your horse’s feelings? It is quite easy to tell, and we all sort of know how our horse feels. Horses always act according to how they feel. They are never two-faced, they always just act accordingly to their current emotion. You can tell when they are full energy, when they are relaxed,…

3 Horse Riding Tips For Beginners
You can read tons of horse riding tips for beginners. There are three things however that are not so obvious, but super important if you want to avoid spoiling your horse. Do these right and your horse will enjoy being around you and keep improving. The three main mistakes beginners do are: Horses are animals that live…

Stopping your horse reliably
I get quite a lot of questions asking me how to make sure that your horse stops reliably. Soon I will send you a video that shows you my steps in which I teach my horse to reliably stop under any circumstances even without pulling your reins. You will be surprised how easy it can…

Canter Leads
In the next video, you will see the way I teach my horse to always enter the correct canter lead. Maybe you are thinking that learning how to ask for canter leads is just too difficult for you right now. And it doesn’t have to be easy to get your horse to always enter the…